To look for mathematical formulas in scribbly, you need to analyze the path that the Ogmograptis larva makes.
This is done by a computer program that tracks the route point by point, detecting angles, lengths, etc.
It does this provided that it receives scribbly in digital form, e.g. the coordinates of subsequent route points.
Such digitization can be performed semi-automatically, by marking subsequent points of the path on the scribbly photo,
or completely automatically.

For us, the most interesting are the following analyzes of digitized scribbly:
- analysis of the angle at which the larva turns at a given moment while creating a path,
- analysis of two parameters related to the polar coordinate system: the momentary angle
of the larva's deviation from the "vertical" (the axis of the tree or branch)
and its distance from the selected zero point on the axis.

The first of the animations given below leads to the creation of a graph showing how the angle of the "instantaneous" turn of the larva (alpha)
changes during the creation of through it the main part of scribbly. Although non-idealized scribbles were deliberately chosen, mathematical
functions can still be detected from the resulting graph, which describe changes in angle alpha; e.g. f(alpha) = sin (nt)/sin t
(in the animation we see a graph of a specific function of this type).

The same scribbly, but analyzed in the polar coordinate system - for subsequent points of the route, two parameters are measured:
the angle (alpha) of deviation from the axis of the tree (branches) and the length of the radius (r), i.e. the distance of the examined
point from the selected zero point of the axis.
The resulting graphs lead to functions that describe changes in these parameters, and their specific examples are below the animation.

Although the formulas used in scribbly simulations are enriched with additional random movements,
the resulting routes will not show this rich complexity paths that form Ogmograptis larvae.


Andrzej Czado 2024